Hoves (Jesse) – Round 5.4 – Coming back

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It was Friday, it was almost a week after Jesse’s last date with Phoibe. He hadn’t called her in days, he was waiting for her to call him when she was done with the big experiment that took most of her time nowadays. He hoped she would call this weekend. He had plans to take her out, plans he hScreenshot_8oped would lead him to the young woman’s bed.

He was home alone when the doorbell rang. He was busy reading a reply from his granddaughter Maja, he was telling her about the boy he met last night, Kain or something, saying how he mentioned to know her and her sister and she told him the boy was his youngest daughter Irene’s boyfriend. The information came to him as a real shocker so he barely registered the first ring. When who ever it was rang again he moved away from the screen and headed downstairs.

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Hoves (Jesse) – Round 5.3 – Redemption

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Next week Phoibe was busy, some equipment she ordered for some of her experiments just came in and she told Jesse she would be working a lot of overtime. Being shut inside the house meditating wasn’t something Jesse could take for a week so he took his bike from the garage and pedaled away. He was anxious about seeing Phoibe again but a figured a little delay wouldn’t do them too much harm, he did want to show her he had changed from the heartless town playboy everyone thought him to be.

He wanted to go to the dance club, but something made him change his mind. He hadn’t been there since the day he met Phoibe at the park. Instead he stopped by a small beach bar that seemed crowded even though it was still daytime.

He parked his bike outsideScreenshot_4 and walked right into  the middle of the happy hour. “Need a hand?” He yelled at the tired looking bartender over a crowd of gathered people. “Sure, grab a bottle and start pouring.” The young man yelled from the other side of the bar. Jesse had never worked at the bar before but he could mix a drink or two, it was a usefully trick he learned for parties in his younger years and he did save the young bartender’s ass that afternoon earning himself a lifetime discount. And he did like the place so for the rest of the week that was where he spent his nights.

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Hoves (Jesse) – Round 5.2 – Dating

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A few days after their initial encounter at the park Jesse asked Phoibe out again. She was all he could think about during that time, it had been a long time he felt that way, and a longer time still since a girl thScreenshot_1at young had been interested in him. It made him feel strong, it made him feel alive, it made him feel young again and he loved every minute of it.

They went to the local diner for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake, he wanted to take her to a nice restaurant and a fancy vegetarian dinner but an ex of his worked at the only fancy restaurant in town and although things between them were over a long time ago he didn’t want that particular ex to see him with this particular woman.

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Hoves (Jesse) – Round 5.1 – Moving on

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Screenshot_2Jesse found himself drawn to this dance club night after night in these year following Nadine’s death. Dancing, alcohol and loud music helped clear his mind not only from thoughts of his late wife but also of all the women he had loved and lost. Beautiful Ebony with those fierce green eyes that sometimes he felt ripped all trough his soul, warm and kind Elena who always saw the best in him, and dark humored yet talented Nadine. All dead. Yet he lived, the bastard who hurt them all.

After Nadine’s death a lot of people came to the house, not all of them knew Nadine but everyone knew Jesse. Even months later Jesse would get sympathy left and right, pretty women gave him flowers and offered a shoulder to cry on but he had simply lost interest, in everything

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Hoves – Round 5.2

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Day 3

Wednesday morning Junior slept in. He had woken up fresh and energized so he decided to go for a jog. It was a workday so Screenshot_3the streets were pretty much empty but it was a sunny day, beautiful and promising.

He ran all the way to the beach, and he
had planned to run back home the same way he came. He had just passed the Public Pool where he saw Lysa, his younger brother’s fiancee, she was there with her brother, Hannah’s best friend Pegasus and he waved at them both and just continued running. Seeing the two of them had broken his running meditation and his thoughts strayed back to his wife.

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